Page 10 - Level 1 Additional Skills Book 01-15.cdr
P. 10

                                               Part of Speech            Meaning               Example
                                             Noun (n)                A person, place,     man, woman,
                                                                     thing or idea.       Yusif, Sarah,
                                                                                          London, table,

                                             Verb (v)                An action or         see, go, run, like,
                                                                     doing word           love, drive

                                             Adjective (adj.)        Describes a noun  big (eyes), blue
                                                                                          (table), fast (car),
                                                                                          strong (man), late
                                                                                          (train), honest

                                             Adverb (adv.)           Describes a verb     (run) slowly,
                                                                                          gradually, (study)
                                                                                          a lot
                                             Pronoun (p)             Takes the place      I, you, he, him,
                                                                     of a noun            she, her, we

                                             Preposition (prep.)     Links a noun to      in, at, on, to, for,
                                                                     another work         over, off

                                             Conjunction (con.)      Joins words,         and, but, if, as
                                                                     clauses and

                                                1)  con
                                                2)  adv.
                                                3)  n
                                                4)  p
                                                5)  prep
                                                6)  adj.
                                                7)  v

                 Optional Extra /            B.
                 Extension                   Ask students to think of some example sentences for each part of
                                             speech during feedback.
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